View, print or save the 2012 Sno-Wanderers Trail Map HERE
Kingfield Sno-Wanderers & Kingfield Quadruners Trail Report
Look ahead for a link to the current trail conditions.
Kingfield Quadrunners PO BOX 198 Kingfield ME 04947

Current ATV trail sign which greets ATV riders before they enter the ATV Access Route. Sign provided by the Kingfield Quad-Runners ATV Club.
The Moose Loop is the Main Trail through Town. When the trails are open, the access route through Town is open 1/2 hour after sunrise up to 1/2 hour before sunset. Please read the signs as you drive through Town. Parking is provided for ATV’s behind Longfellow’s and the Herbert Hotel, and you can park at Anni’s general store.
A new trail has been established that will get you from the Moose Loop to Trantens Too, Orange Cat Cafe and the Woodsmans, please follow signs from the Bridge over the West Branch of the Carrabassett River.
People ask about Lodging in Kingfield. Here are the options:
Three Stanley Avenue: B&B 265-5541
Mountain Village Farm: B&B 265-2030
Herbert Grand Hotel: 265-2000 or 888-656-9922
“All are trailside”
Kingfield Sno-Wanderers
Mother Nature has blessed us!!!! Our trails are groomed, the river crossing is open with a solid 6 inches of frozen ice in the center and 12 inches on the edges. The groomers anticipate being out again tonight with all the fresh snow coming down. Get out there enjoy. Remember to ride safe. Posted 01/30/15
Meetings are held on the First Sunday of the Month starting in October.
Note from the Sno wanderers: Please support your local club, by joining a club and by helping make the trails better by volunteering some of your time cutting branches and removing blown down trees from the trails you love to ride, it will make you feel good! Always Ride right and ride safe out there!
Club Meetings @ Webster Hall first Sunday of every month 6:00 pm.
Remember: Stay to the right; keep your speed down, ride sober, and HAVE FUN!
Map Project
We are creating a new, professional trail map. We need volunteers and sponsors. If this is your area of expertise, we welcome your input.