Rental/Usage Agreement for use of the Webster Hall

The following Agreement is made on the __________day between The Town of Kingfield, and the User/Renter has paid a deposit of: _______, for the use of the Webster Hall on ______________.

A balance of __________ is due no later than ___________.

The following conditions and rules apply and are the sole responsibility of the User/Renter:

  1. The User/renter will return the hall to the condition in which it was found when you leave.
  2. The User/Renter will inform Administrative assistant or Town Clerk of any damages done to the building as a result of the event.
  3. It is the sole responsibility of the Renter/User to maintain adequate control.
  4. The User/Renter will pay for any damages resulting from event.
  5. Consumption of alcohol by persons under the age of 21 is against the law. Consumption of alcohol by a minor is prohibited in Town Facilities. It is the responsibility of the User/Renter of the hall to provide adequate control when there is alcohol present at an event.
  6. The maximum capacity of the building is 138 with tables and chairs and 295 without. It is the sole responsibility of User/Renter to monitor capacity throughout the event and ensure the maximum capacity is not exceeded.
  7. The 2 fire /emergency exits must be kept clear and accessible at all times.
  8. The Town Of Kingfield disclaims all liability for the use of the building. Users/Renters assume all risk associated with the use of the Building.
  9. The Town of Kingfield (this includes selectmen, any Town Appointed individuals) reserves the right to stop an event, which becomes out of control, creates danger or nuisance to the surrounding neighborhood, or violates any of the above rules. No refund will be given if we exercise this right, and User/Renter will still be responsible for any conditions that may apply.
  10. Signature indicates the User/Renter has read and agreed to the policies and to the rules in this contract.


 Agreed to User/Renter___________________


Agent of Town of Kingfield__________________________



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